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03 5157 1697


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Lindenow VIC 3865

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30 mins | Serves 2


2 fillets of salmon
1 bunch of asparagus
170g small multicoloured potatoes, cut into quarters
½ eggplant, cut into roughly 2cm chunks
2 Jalapeño peppers, halved lengthwise
Olive oil
4 slices of lemon
Salt and pepper
Fresh thyme


  1. Preheat the oven to 210C.
  2. Toss the vegetables in about 2-3 tablespoons of oil, enough to lightly coat them. Season with salt and pepper. Lay them out evenly on a sheet pan. Cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Lightly season the salmon with salt and top with the sliced lemon.
  4. Remove the pan from the oven and give everything a stir. Make room for the salmon and nestle it among the vegetables. Roast for a further 20 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked through and the vegetables are browned and tender.
  5. Sprinkle with thyme and serve.